Day: December 3, 2017

[ S T Y L E ] Year End Charity Ball

Year End Charity Ball

Year end is approaching and I am being invited to a lot of charity events in RL.  None of them are quite so formal but I was motivated to put together a formal look.  This sparkling gown is from Pink Ice, an exclusive for Fashion Dazzle.  It’s available in various jewel tone colors but I picked out teal for today’s post.  The jewelry is new as well, a new set from Zuri Jewelry.  The clean up do hair style is from Alli & Ali.  The color of the barrettes can be changed via HUD.  The eyeshadow is also new from IT!, available at The Makeover Room.  I am really loving my Asian look… finally a Catwa shape I am truly happy with.


*** Hair: Alli&Ali Eppi Hair Variety Colors *NEW*
Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Sofia v3.0
Mesh Body: Maitreya – Lara
 Eyes: ARTE – Toda Eyes [Catwa] at The Chapter Four *NEW*
Head Applier: ItGirls – Catwa Skin Applier – Kory Summer
Body Applier: ItGirls – Fade Body Applier – Maitreya 
*** Eyelashes: ARTE – Alta Lashes [Catwa]
*** Eyeshadow: !IT! – Night Out Eyeshadows 2 at The Makeover Room *NEW*
*** Lipstick: !IT! – Soft & Sweet Lipstick 7
*** Outfit: PINK ICE NADIA STRAPLESS MESH GOWN at Fashion Dazzle *NEW* 
Headpiece: *PetitChat* Winter star headpiece Blue
*** Jewelry: Zuri Jewelry – Sugarplum Set – Alexandrite/Topaz/Gold *NEW* 
Poses: BellePoses – Paula
Location: Devin 1 & 2
Music: Awake (christmas ver) by Jin of BTS

(*** promotional review copy)

[ S T Y L E ] Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Entice is another store holding a Christmas Advent event for its group members this year.  There is no fee to join the group.  This blue dress is the gift from December 1st.  You can still get it but it will cost you L$25.  The gift is only free on the day of, but you can still buy missed gifts at L$25 each.  Once again the jewelry I am wearing are advent gifts from Moondance Boutique.  As I mentioned yesterday, there is a L$50 fee to join the group but it’s worth it!  The windblown hairstyle is new from dafnis.  It’s a new release at its main store.


*** Hair: *dafnis Paella Mesh Hair *NEW*
Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Sofia v3.0
Mesh Body: Maitreya – Lara
 Eyes: ARTE – Toda Eyes [Catwa] at The Chapter Four *NEW*
Head Applier: ItGirls – Catwa Skin Applier – Kory Summer
Body Applier: ItGirls – Fade Body Applier – Maitreya 
*** Eyelashes: ARTE – Alta Lashes [Catwa]
*** Lipstick: ARTE – Creamy Lips [Catwa]
*** Dress: Entice – A Thousand Miles Dress – Navy (2017 Christmas Advent Gift for group members) *NEW* *FREE*
*** Earrings: Moondance Boutique Akeela Earrings (2017 Christmas Advent Gift for group members) *NEW* *FREE*
Necklace: Moondance Boutique Akeela Bracelet (2017 Christmas Advent Gift for group members) *NEW* *FREE*
*** Shoes: ->VeNusShoes<- AGNES
Poses: BellePoses – Evan
Location: r2 fashion main store
Music: Green Ketchup – Hit The Flow

(*** promotional review copy)